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Connection to


Do you put other people's wants and needs first before your own?

Do you look in the mirror and love what you see?

Do you always feel you should be doing more?

Do you prioritise chores around the house before doing something fun for you?

Do you put off doing creative projects because you feel they are not important enough? 

Do you struggle with making decisions?

Do you find yourself asking people's opinions and advice on things because you second guess yourself?

Do you constantly ruminate over conversations you've had out of fear you might have said the wrong thing? 

Do you like to keep the peace so go without sharing what you really want, to avoid conflict? 


Do you feel better when you hear someone validating back to you that you are ok and there is nothing wrong with you? 

Do you find yourself admiring people so much and believe they are more intelligent than you, and know way more than you do, only to find that you've put them so high on a pedestal you've handed them all the decision making power over your own life?

Have you become stuck and frozen to make any forward movement in your life out of fear of doing it "wrong" in their eyes? 


All these plus more are some indicators that you have lost a connection to YOU, who you truly are, the one who knows what's best for your life. 


Improving your connection with your Self is an important first step towards increasing self-love & self-esteem.  The more you explore your Self the more you understand that everything starts with you. 

When you have a deeper connection to your Self you become the navigator of your own life, you have the authority over your own direction, and you decide which journey to take.  You know you are on the right career path, you improve your health and relationship with your own body, and most importantly you can give more fully in all your relationships and feel more fulfilled.

Developing a deeper connection with your Self enables you to experience love, happiness, self-worth regardless of what is happening around you.  You will have compassion and love that's independent of you needing to be in a perfect state or achieving a particular achievement, as you will have an understanding of YOU at your core, your true identity that's separate and independent from circumstances, judgments, criticisms or attachments.


I truly believe that we all do need connection with loved ones, friends, and community, so this is not about becoming totally self-reliant from a wounded place.  There will be a natural development of independence and security which will enable you to give even more and connect more as a whole.  You will understand your own needs, and effectively communicate them when you need the help of others to help meet them. 


My hope for you is that by exploring your core Self in relationship with your physical wellbeing, emotional wellbeing, spiritual wellbeing, and even financial wellbeing you will feel more confident, and more secure within yourself and within relationships.  You will discover your own unique value you bring to the world and from there healthy boundaries can be formed and the best decisions for you and for all can be made.


But most of all.. you will feel free to be amazingly you! 

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